Well if you look at these pictures compared to the ones I did a month ago (click here)you can clearly see that nothing has really changed and if anything my nails look slight worse -especially my thumb nail which now has a chunk missing :(
I am not writing the months trial off entirely because after two weeks my nails did look remarkably better - they just seem to have gone downhill since then. Despite more applications of nail oil, cuticle butter and hand cream - my hands and cuticles are insanely dry and I think that's what has lead to the breakages - OPI Nail Envy certainly helps but maybe it's time for something new. Last month during my spending diet disaster I picked up a Pro Strong Nail Kit from QVC (and the OPI Alice Minis but that's another story ;)) I must admit I have used Pro Strong before with pretty decent results - the only reasons I stopped were that I find it a hard system when your wear nail polish and I felt I used the product up too quickly but never mind I am going to persevere with it for this months nail growth challenge.
I'll explain about the system in more detail in a future post but this is the basic kit I got with the fluoride and calcium treatments, two cuticle products and a hand cream - I also have a few other Pro Strong products at home including a top and base coat, some colours, and some BioFusion serum. So this is what I am going to be using in March I might use some Jessica nail oil and some other hand creams alongside it but this is going to be my basic nail care regime for the next month. Instead of doing a monthly round up I think I might do one in two weeks time particularly comparing my worst nail - my left thumb just to see if there is any change even in that short time - get on :) x If that treatment regime fails after a month my next stop is Mavala (some of which I bought and some of which I was sent), and then something I saw in a recent All That Glitters21 February Favourites video - there are so many nail care products out there it's a bit confusing. So wish me luck - it's going to be a tough month for my little fingers in and out of water but we'll see how I get on :) x
Make sure you're drinking enough water (1.5 litres-ish a day) and taking vitamins supplements too! Good luck!