As you know I had a doctors appointment at an unearthly hour this morning - I am pleased to say it went OK, my blood pressure and ears are fine, and he is leaving my medication at its current levels - wahoo!!! We talked about a few things and I have been left with something to mull over and look into - I am not going to say what it is at this stage because I may decide to take it no further but I have some serious thinking to do on something that could be life changing (or not!- maybe that is one of the biggest things I need to consider whether it would change my life- hmmm).
Anyways maybe more of that to come - I popped into Tesco as planned only to discover the absence of any magazine I wanted - no August issues yet boo :(. Not only that but despite the temperature being really high in Northern England today, the sun wasn't shining and the sky was actually quite dull. Obviously my planned afternoon of sitting in the garden reading a glossy mag just didn't happen today, I may have got some kind of tan even with the sky being dull but it just wasn't appealing anymore, so I spent the afternoon watching Christmas crafting on QVC can you believe it Christmas already!!! argh! I was going to watch some tennis but women's tennis doesn't have the same appeal to me - the Williams sisters dominance and all that grunting to be honest really puts me off :( so QVC it was.
One good thing did happen today though (apart from some yummy strawberries and cream - £1.99 for a punnet of strawberries in Tesco and you get a free carton of single cream :) ) my Avon came, and because I didn't get a magazine my mum paid for it :) I got two tubes of the Skin So Soft Targeted Firming Treatment for £5 (BOGOF :))
I am really persevering with this one these will be my 4th & 5th tubes. I can't see whether its making a real difference yet but it makes your skin so soft whether its down to the product or the built in knobbly rubber applicator which you use to massage the cream in I don't know but there always seems to be some sort of offer on this line so its well worth trying :)
My shopping trip on Thursday is still on up to now and I can't wait - the thought of Superdrug is making me particularly excited at this moment in time -GOSH, Barry M, Sleek - Bring it on!!!!
Glad you are feeling a bit better after the doctor's appointment.
ReplyDeleteoooh the Avon stuff sounds lovely x
Glad you are feeling a bit better after the doctor's appointment.
ReplyDeleteoooh the Avon stuff sounds lovely x