About a month ago I saw quite a few bloggers and you tubers raving about the new Bourjois foundation and concealer - being willing enabled I bought both products last month. The foundation in question was Bourjois Healthy Mix and the concealer Bourjois Healthy Mix Radiance and Anti Fatigue. I picked up the colour No 52 Vanilla in the foundation and No 52 Medium Radiance in the Concealer but I could have also got away with the lighter shade too I think. I've had a chance to try them out properly now so I thought I'd let you know what I think.
The foundation comes in 30ml pump action bottle - 3 cheers for foundation pumps they make life so much easier

Containing their "Fruit Therapy" complex of apricot, melon, apple and ginger it has a pleasant, subtle fruity smell. Bourjois claim that this foundation gives up to "16 hours of perfectly glowing complexion & toned skin" So what do I think, well yes I think I probably agree.

This foundation is probably medium in coverage, it's a good consistency and blends well both on top of bare skin and on top of moisturiser and primer - I found it easier to use my fingers or a damp sponge to apply it rather than a brush as I found it dried / sank in quite quickly. As I say I would say it's a medium coverage if you have a few blemishes this wouldn't necessarily hide them but on the positive side it certainly isn't mask like and your skin can still be seen through the foundation. It certainly gives a nice finish and glow to the skin although I did find that I needed a little bit of powder over my t-zone to stop the shine coming through - whether it lasts 16 hours I can't say because I have never worn it for that long but I have removed make up after about 7 hours and its still being intact

I also bought the corresponding Bourjois Healthy Mix Radiance and Anti Fatigue Concealer. This comes in a 10ml squeezy tube. Again it contains the "Fruit Therapy" complex with extracts of Apricot and Raspberry. It has a medium consistency and dispenses easily from the tube without too much mess. To use it I squeezed a little bit onto the back of my hand and used either my fingers or a concealer brush to blend it into my skin. I tried it in a few different ways as you'll see both to cover blemishes, and darkness and redness. I have to say being a radiance boosting concealer it worked much better on my dark circles and redness than it did on my (numerous at the moment) spots and blemishes.
So time to see some pictures of both these products in action :)
My Before Face
Note the redness and the spots argh
My After Face
After using the foundation and concealer - the redness is pretty much gone and my skin tone looks much more ever
My Before Eyes
OK they aren't that bad but you can see some redness, some darkness and generally uneven skin tone
My After Eyes
Much better don't you think the concealer really came into it own here - my skin is much more even in colour and in tone and it looks a lot healthier
Spot Central Before
Not pleasant I'm afraid some nice hormonal breakout for you
Spot Central After Foundation
After one application of the foundation you can see the difference with regards to the redness but the spots are still there
Spot Central After Foundation and Concealer
OK you can still see the spots a bit (that's what I mean about you still been able to see the texture of the skin) but the redness and angriness has certainly eased and the skin looks a bit more even
So what do I think - I really like the foundation for me personally its a cheaper version of NARS Sheer Glow - it provides a nice radiance and glow to your skin whilst at the same time evening up my complexion. I will definitely be adding this to my purchase again list. I have mixed feeling about the concealer though - if radiance is what you want and darkness and redness are your concerns this is what you need but if like me its blemishes you need to cover this probably isn't the best one for you having said that I'll still use for the bits that need brightening I'll just need to use something else for the dreaded spots. Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation retails for around £8.99-£10.99 and the Healthy Mix Concealer retails for between £5.99-£6.99 from your usual Bourjois outlets.
FOTD Apologies that this post is a bit pic heavy but ince I did my foundation review pics today I thought I'd show you the rest of my FOTD - It was just a quick one I had to go along to the chemists early this morning for a prescription :)

Today I WoreBourjois Healthy Mix Foundation - 52 Vanilla
Bourjois Healthy Mix Concealer - 52 Medium Radiance
Models Prefer Neutralizing Yellow Powder
MAC MSF Porcelain Pink
ELF Studio Powder Blush - Tickled Pink
MAC Eyeshadow - Idol Eyes (applied wet)
Avon Daring Definition Cream Eyeliner - Black
Collection 2000 Collagen Curl Mascara - 17 Ultra Black (really hate this now its has only been open just over a month and it's drying up already)
MAC Lipstick -Fabby